


Text modules for research proposales: The Gender Monitoring Tool

Gender medicine and equality-relevant content in third-party funding applications

What is the Gender Monitoring Tool?

  • The GMT is an instrument that makes it possible to incorporate the mandatory gender-specific and equality-relevant standards in research proposals quickly, in a structured manner and in accordance with European quality criteria.
  • - It is structured as a modular system, is based on legal regulations, current research on gender equality and the guidelines of the European Commission and can be supplemented or, respectively, adapted with the specific research content of your own project


Modules: Overview


University-specific equality work

Project-specific equality

Staff level

Gender equlity und equal opportunities at the Medical University of Innsbruck – measures of all employees

Gender equality and equal opportunities in the project team


Content level


Gender medical research and teaching at the Medical University of Innsbruck

Consideration of the sex/gender category in project content

Accompanying evaluation


Evaluation – securing results


Exemplary example [pdf-datei]

The Gender-Sensitive Research Cycle

Gender Mainstreaming at the personnel level

Examples from medicine, natural sciences and technology

The Gendered Innovationsproject provides practical methods for analysing gender in science and engineering that have been developed in international collaborations.

GMT Literature

  • Heidari S, Babor TF, De Castro P, Tort S, Curno M. Sex and Gender Equity in Research: rationale for the SAGER guidelines and recommended use. Research Integrity and Peer Review. 2016;1(1):2. In:
  • European Commission, Horizon 2020, Work Programme 2016-2017, 16. Science with and for Society, European Commission Decision C (2015)6776 of 13 October 2015)
  • EIGE (2015): Tender Specifications: Integrating Gender Equality into Research Performing Organisations RPO and university. Research, Practices and setting of on-line Tool on Gender Equality Plans¸ EIGE/2015/OPER/07
  • European Union, Verordnung (EU) Nr. 282/2014 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 11. März 2014 über das dritte Aktionsprogramm der Union im Bereich der Gesundheit (2014-2020); Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union, L86/1
  • European Union, Council Decision of 3 December 2013, establishing the specific programme implementing Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programe for Research and Innovation (2014-2020); Oficial Journal of the European Union, L347/965
  • Krizsan, A.; Lombardo, E. (2013): the quality of gender equality policies: A discursive approach. European Journal of Women’s Studies 20(1), 77-92
  • Mühlenbruck, B.; Jochimsen, M.A. (2013): Only wholsale reform will bring equality. Nature, Vol 495, 7 March 2013, 40-42
  • Nature, Ediorials (2012): Nature’s sexism. The editors of this publication need to improve how we reflect women’s contributions to science. For this, we must inject an extra loop into our thinking. Nature, Vol 491, 22 November 2012, 495
  • The Lancet, Editorial (2011): Taking sex into account in medicine., vol 378, November 26, 1826
  • European Commission (2009): Toolkit. Gender in EU-funded research. Yellow Window Management Consultants, ISBN 978-92-79-11290-4