



MUI-Seal of Excellence Programme (MUSEP)

Background: The Seal of Excellence is a quality label first introduced during Horizon 2020, the EU’s research and innovation framework programme (2014-2020). It has gradually become a key instrument to create synergies.

The Seal of Excellence (SoE) is awarded to project proposals submitted under a Horizon Europe call for proposals and ranked above a predefined quality thresholds but were not funded by Horizon Europe due to budgetary constraints. With a record of more than 11.300 proposals received following the 2020 Individual Fellowships call, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions are highly competitive. Of this number, 1.630 were funded.

Eligible applicants: Eligible for applicants are post-doctoral fellows who

  • Applied for a post-doctoral fellowship within the Horizon Europe MSCA PF programme AND
  • Has chosen the Medical University Innsbruck as host institution AND
  • Received a Seal-Of-Excellence Award (score ≥85%) by the EU Commission

The funding correspondents to the amount of the respective MSCA PF call without overheads. Recently for the call 2024 the funding intensity per month is as follows:

  • Living Allowance € 73.980,- p/a;
  • Mobility Allowance € 8.424,- p/a;
  • Research Training & Networking contribution € 12.000 p/a,-;

The maximal funding duration is 24 months. Secondments to other institutions – especially companies – are possible if foreseen in the Horizon Europe project proposal.

Application procedure: please send your application with all necessary documents to:

Applications are possible only after obtaining the SoE by the EU Commission. Call opens on the day of reception of the Horizon Europe Evaluation Summary Report (ESR), project start will be possible earliest three months after this date.

Applications must include:

  • Application form
  • Complete project proposal for the MSCA PF-EF project including
    part A and part B
  • Evaluation Summary Report incl. Seal of Excellence Award of the EU Commission
  • Copy of PhD degree
  • Confirmation letter of the head of department
  • Career Development plan